The Differences Between Calisthenics and Bodybuilding

The Differences Between Calisthenics and Bodybuilding

Winners do what they fear”
– Franco Columbu

Undoubtedly bodybuilding or doing regular exercise is a challenge. Most of us eagerly take part In this challenge but we cannot complete the challenge. Moreover, it is said that every boy in his adolescence dreams of having a muscular body but in reality 99.9% fails. So are you planning to starting your fitness journey? Well, understanding the difference between calisthenics and bodybuilding to make a big choice of your body The word bodybuilding is pretty ambiguous. By definition, it means the process of building muscle.

If you’re new to working out, you might experience difficulty in choosing an exercise program that will work best for you. But the harsh reality is that it's being very crucial to pick the right strategy to give a strong start to your fitness journey.

One of the critical decisions that you’ll need to make is whether you should choose calisthenics and bodybuilding. The First Ever Women’s Physique Olympia Champion Miss Dana Linn Bailey says - “If you have discipline, drive, determination, nothing is impossible”
So to help you make the right call, Let’s learn the difference between both options.

In this article, you will acquire knowledge on -

  • Introduction to Calisthenics and Bodybuilding
  • What is Calisthenics?
  • What is Bodybuilding?
  • The Differences Between Calisthenics and Bodybuilding
  • The Benefits and Purpose of Calisthenics and Bodybuilding
  • How to get started with Calisthenics and Bodybuilding
  • Equipment Used in Calisthenics and Bodybuilding
  • Challenges of Calisthenics and Bodybuilding
  • Common Misconceptions About Calisthenics and Bodybuilding
  • Who should practice Calisthenics and Bodybuilding?
  • Conclusion - Which is better?

Introduction to Calisthenics and Bodybuilding

You might be wondering bodybuilding and calisthenics are the same concept but you are living in a foolish world if you think so. There are several matrices to determine the difference of these two items. To simply stated - “Bodybuilding makes use of various weights and exercise machines, while calisthenics uses only the exerciser's own bodyweight instead”

Well, I will say again and again that both bodybuilding and calisthenics are highly effective when used in the right context. The main point of distinction between bodybuilding and calisthenics is in the source of resistance utilized by either discipline following by ones’ which will in turn effectively end results of one’s workouts.

It’s important to pick a workout schedule and stick to it. You must consider your daily routine and lifestyle before choosing between calisthenics and bodybuilding.  If you live a busy lifestyle or don’t have access to the gym then calisthenics is a better choice as you can perform workout without any equipment any time at the comfort of your home.

What is Calisthenics?

According to Wikipedia, Calisthenics being a form of exercise, involves using bodyweight and gravity in order to resist various movements and exercises. Relying fully on any equipment, It's a type of workout program that can be done almost anywhere. This fact makes it a popular and convenient choice for many people. The exercises in calisthenics typically focus on developing strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination. It’s also includes movements - push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks. Adapted for people of all fitness levels, Calisthenics is often used the form of extreme strength training.

In short, Calisthenics is a type of workout uses a person’s body weight with little or almost no equipment. Calisthenics is basically originated in ancient Greece hence it remains popular today. Most people perform these exercises as regardless of the level of their athletic ability. 

What is Bodybuilding?

Oxford Dictionary defines bodybuilding as a sport involving strenuous physical exercise in order to enlarge the muscles of the body. According to Wikipedia, Focusing on the aesthetic appearance of the physique, Bodybuilding being the form of exercise that involves progressively in order to increase resistance to control and develop one's muscles.

The practice of bodybuilding in most subsequent nations was inspired by and derived from the ancient Greeks. Bodybuilding is the practice of controlling and growing one's muscles through muscular hypertrophy for aesthetic reasons. It differs from related sports like powerlifting since it emphasizes physical attractiveness rather than actual strength. An individual who engages in this activity is referred to as a bodybuilder. Bodybuilders use three main strategies to maximize muscle hypertrophy:

  1. Strength training through weights or elastic/hydraulic resistance.
  2. Specialized nutrition, incorporating extra protein and supplements when necessary.
  3. Adequate rest, including sleep and recuperation between workouts.

The Differences Between Calisthenics and Bodybuilding

Calisthenics and bodybuilding are both forms of strength training but they have some key differences.

As resistance, Calisthenics is a form of exercise using your own body weight. It's a great way to build strength, endurance and flexibility. It is also a low impact form of exercise.

Bodybuilding is a form of exercise that focuses on building muscle mass. Lifting weights or using resistance machines are examples of this. Though bodybuilding is a great way to improve your physique but it’s being dangerous if not done correctly.

Here is a table summarizing the key differences between calisthenics and bodybuilding:



Uses your own body weight as resistance

Uses weights or resistance machines

Focuses on building strength, endurance, and flexibility

Focuses on building muscle mass

Low impact

High impact

Can be done anywhere

Typically requires a gym membership

Often less expensive

Often more expensive

So, Calisthenics workout contains exercises requiring minimal to no exercise equipment. The exercises are performed using body weight, so they don’t require gym equipment.

Common examples of calisthenics exercises are - pull-ups, push-ups, burpees, jumping jacks, jump squats, lunges, planks and sit-ups.

On the other hand, Bodybuilding uses external resistance. Therefore, exercise equipment or gym access is required for the workouts.

Common examples of bodybuilding exercises are -  bench presses, deadlifts, dumbbell raises, overhead presses, barbell squats, bent-over rows and skull crushers.

The Benefits and Purpose of Calisthenics and Bodybuilding

Calisthenics and bodybuilding are both forms of strength training offering a variety of benefits.

Benefits of Calisthenics

  1. Improved strength and endurance: Calisthenics exercises helps to improve your overall strength and endurance as they work multiple muscle groups at the same time.
  2. Increased flexibility: Calisthenics exercises helps to increase your flexibility as they often require you to move your body in different ways.
  3. Reduced risk of injury: Calisthenics exercises are generally low impact that less likely to cause injuries.
  4. Improved mental health: Calisthenics exercises helps to improve your mental health in order to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Benefits of Bodybuilding

  • Increased muscle mass: Bodybuilding exercises being designed to increase muscle by lifting weights.
  • Improved strength: Bodybuilding exercises helps your strength by using your muscles to lift heavy weights.
  • Improved bone density: Bodybuilding exercises helps your bone density as stress puts stress on your bones.
  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Bodybuilding exercises helps your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

How to get started with Calisthenics and Bodybuilding

So ready to start calisthenics or bodybuilding? Here are some suggestions for you.

  • Set realistic goals: When you're starting out, set realistic goals for yourself . You're likely to get discouraged and give up soon so at first don’t do too much. So always start with the basics only.
  • Find a good workout routine: Find a routine that fits your fitness level and goals. If you're a beginner then started with a beginner friendly routine mainly focuses on basic exercises.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Eating plenty of protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains makes a healthy diet for building muscle and strength. And avoid processed foods, sugary drinks and excessive amounts of saturated and unhealthy fats.
  • Get enough rest. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night, Your body will recover after a workout. So, Make sure to avoid strenuous activity for 24-48 hours after a workout.

Equipment Used in Calisthenics and Bodybuilding

Below, I am giving some of the equipment list that used in both options.

Calisthenics Equipment : (click on the title to see each of the equipment images)

Bodybuilding Equipment :

So, The best use to build muscles, read “How Planks Can Improve Your Posture

Common Misconceptions About Calisthenics and Bodybuilding

Here are several common misconceptions in below:

  • Calisthenics won't help you build muscle: It leads people to weightlifting for muscle growth.
  • You need to lift heavy weights to get big: While heavy weightlifting certainly helps with muscle growth but at the end of day, it's not the only way to achieve it.
  • Bodybuilding is only for men: Gender discrimination is a completely wrong world concept now. Women also get benefits from it.

Who should practice Calisthenics and Bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding is a great option for people who are Looking for:

  • Improving physique and body composition
  • Building muscle mass and strength
  • Looking to boost self confidence as well as self-esteem

Conclusion - Which is better?

As I said earlier, your lifestyle is your own will. So both calisthenics and bodybuilding allows you to build strength and improve your fitness from where you pick the option depending on your fitness goals.

So, in short - Choose calisthenics workout sessions if your fitness objective is to build muscle endurance, improve your mobility and develop an athletic strong body.

And pick - bodybuilding workout if you want to build muscle mass specially to increase your size and improve the overall strength of your body.

So, book an appointment to your nearest doctor and consult your fitness goal. Hope to see you in another article. Bye !

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