What are the golden nutrition rules for fat loss?

What are the golden nutrition rules for fat loss?

I know being overweight is undesirable and stressful for victims. Do you feel like you have unwanted fat in your body? Maybe plastered around your belly and you desire to shed the fat? I would say - worry no more! You are in the right place at the right time, keep scrolling and you will be a happy soul at the end of this read.

Fat loss is the process of reducing the amount of body fat. It is achieved through a combination of diet, exercise, lifestyle changes all that. The Golden Nutrition Rules are a set of guidelines for healthy eating for individuals to achieve their fitness goals and improve their overall health. 

During the World Obesity Day of 2022, statistics from WHO showed that over 1 billion people globally are obese or fatty. In this Fatty population, 650 million are adults, 340 million are adolescents and 39 million are children.  The WHO predicts that by 2025, an estimated 167 million people will be obese or overweight of making them less healthy.

Having tried various trainers or diet plans or nothing has worked? even if the results have been negligible then this article finds relevant to your need.

Fat Loss vs Weight Loss: The misconception between them

First, let's clear up a common misunderstanding. When people talk about losing weight, they usually mean fat loss - the two are not synonymous: your weight includes muscles, bones, organs and body fat. That's why you can obtain a sexier, slimmer figure without actually gaining weight - you've reduced body fat and gained muscle.

This also means that the weight scale is a poor indicator of fat loss; fat calipers or even just seeing body composition changes in the mirror are much better indicators of fat loss. So step away from the scales, they are not your friend! Get some body fat calipers and learn how to use them.

Why Is Body Fat Important

A healthy amount of body fat is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Having too little body fat can be just as harmful as having too much body fat, which has been related to an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and cancer.

David Friedman, a naturopathic doctor explains the fat is present in virtually every cell in the body and provides energy. It also regulates hormones, body temperature, immune function, reproduction, insulin signaling and nutrient absorption. Essential fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K rely on body fat for optimal absorption.

Michael S, the adjunct professor of culinary medicine at the Kansas Health Science Center, believes that the exact body fat percentages for men and women in terms of optimum health remain unknown.

With that said, general body fat guidelines for men state that 2% to 5% body fat is essential, 2% to 24% body fat is considered healthy and more than 25% body fat classifies as obese. For women, 10% to 13% body fat is essential, 10% to 31% body fat is considered healthy and more than 32% body fat classifies as obese. In other words, there is quite a range of acceptability based on an individual’s gender and body type.

13 Golden Nutrition Rules for Fat Loss

The most important concept is that whether you eat less food than your body needs then you will definitely lose weight. A professor of Kansas State University proved this when he went on a diet of only Doritos and Pepsi and lost 27 pounds in ten weeks. So if you do fat loss for too long then your organs may start failing. But no worries. I have done google research for you and afterward I am sharing the effective golden rules for fat loss.

13 Golden Nutrition Rules for Fat Loss

01. Maintain a Calorie Deficit

In order to burn fat, the most important fact is to maintain a calorie deficit. If you consume more calories than you burn then it will gain your weight, if you consume exactly as many calories as you burn then it will maintain your weight. Vice versa and if you consume less calories than you burn then it will reduce your weight. It is as simple but many people forget this basic rule. But for all types of people, here I am adding some tips to maintain a calorie diet.

  • You should track your daily inhale calories with a food journal, app or tracker.
  • Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helps you to gain protein.
  • You need to avoid processed food items rather eating whole unprocessed foods becomes healthier and more nutritious.
  • You should drink water, unsweetened tea or coffee to reduce empty calories.
  • You can also balance your Calories by Boost Your Metabolism and take Protein intake-containing food. 

02. Balance Your Carb Intake

Balancing your carb intake can be done by focusing on consuming a variety of healthy carbs in moderation, rather than completely eliminating them from your diet. You should consume low glycemic carbohydrates and avoid sugar to reduce insulin levels. Here I am adding  some tips on how to balance your carb intake.

  • Complex carbohydrates provide your sustained energy while simple carbohydrates can cause spikes and crashes.
  • You should eat plenty of fiber as the fiber helps to keep you full and regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Limit added sugars to prevent weight gain, tooth decay and health problems.
  • Finally always you should listen to your body that feels after eating different types of carbohydrates to determine if you need to reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates.

03. Increase Your Protein Intake

Protein consumption increases your metabolic rate, increases anabolic hormones and prevents muscle loss during a calorie deficit. Did you know? Lean protein sources contain all essential amino acids that increase metabolic rate and increase anabolic hormones Here some suggestions - You should eat protein at every meal and snack to stay full and satisfied. Choose high protein foods when you do grocery shopping. Not only adding a hard-boiled egg to your breakfast but also top your salad with grilled chicken or fish.

04. Eliminate Trans Fats and Eat More Good Fats

Replace the deadly transfats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats for example fatty fish, olive oil, nuts and avocado. All these are the good fats which you should include in your meals. I am saying on the basis of food inhale journal. But don't go overboard it because fats are calorie dense – there are 9 calories in 1 gram of fat. In comparison, there are only 4 calories in one gram of protein or carbohydrate.

05. Don't Neglect Strength Training

Most people think weight training is only important for building muscle. But the truth is that if you want a lean and athletic body with low body fat percentage, you should start lifting weights. The reason for that is that the more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolic rate is. Which means more burned calories! Lift weights or perform bodyweight exercises 3 to 4 times a week with 30 to 60 second rest between sets. In order to maintain high levels of anabolic hormones and low levels of catabolic hormones, you should keep the length of your workout below 60 minutes in total.

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06. Start Doing Some Form of Cardio

Cardio is important for burning calories and fat. How you will combine cardio and strength training is crucial. One of your options is to do cardio immediately after your strength workout. Another option is to do your cardio on a rest day. I personally prefer the second option. Here are some ideas for cardio workouts that you can do today.

  • Running is a classic cardio workout that can be done anywhere so starting with a brisk walk today.
  • Walking is a low impact cardio workout that is easy on joints.
  • Cycling is a great cardio workout that is easy on joints and can be done indoors or outdoors.
  • Swimming is a low-impact cardio workout that can be done at a pool or ocean.
  • Dancing is a great way to get your heart rate up and have fun at the same time.
  • Jumping rope is a quick and easy cardio workout that can be done indoors or outdoors.

07. Nourish Your Body with Nutrients

Taking a high quality multivitamin that is essential for optimal fat loss and health. But regardless of whether you have nutritional deficits or not. It protects against nutritional deficits and is essential for optimal fat loss and health.

08. Use Only High Quality Supplements

Quality supplements increase your metabolic rate, give you energy, prevent muscle mass loss, and suppress your appetite. And at the same that time do not contain harmful ingredients such as aspartame, acesulfame k, and sucralose. The supplements that I frequently use are l-carnitine, synephrine, whey protein, as well as a solid multivitamin. I can assure you that when used properly, nutritional supplements can increase your fat burning potential!

09. Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber is important for better digestion and absorption of nutrients. The easiest way to increase your fiber intake is to consume more vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, celery, carrots, etc. These high-fiber foods will make you feel full and will suppress your appetite. Fiber helps you to keep longer while you are trying to lose weight. Eat at least 20 grams per day from whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

10. Build more muscle

Lifting weights increases muscle size and resting metabolic rate. It allows you to burn more calories at rest than by doing cardio alone. By incorporating resistance training then you'll lose fat by working hard. Hence, It may not be a massive increase but it will still burn more calories than by doing cardio alone.

11. Don’t skimp on sleep

Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels which can lead to increased fat storage. When doing cardio and weight training it leads to getting enough sleep to rest, recover and repair. A sleep study found that those who got more than 8.5 hours of sleep had greater fat loss than those who got 5 hours.

12. Manage your stress levels

Stress levels are a major factor in fat loss. It is caused by many factors for example - not enough sleep, lack of quality of sleep, poor nutrition, dehydration, work, financial, high caffeine intake, emotional and high use of electronic devices and being active in social media 24/7. So, to your manage stress better it is important to try to sleep more, eat healthier, stay hydrated, spend time with loved ones having fun and practice being grateful for what you have.

13. Don't Forget to Drink Enough Water

My advice is to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day – sometimes even more, but definitely not less! Water will protect you from dehydration and will help with the release of fat from adipose tissue. This rule is the most neglected one but it is really crucial!


Fatty or obesity is a critical global issue, bearing in mind that over 1 billion people worldwide are obese. Therefore, obese and overweight people and parents of obese children need to put into practice the above 5 golden rules for effective weight loss.

Consistency is key to achieving long-term sustainable results in fat loss. Hence, It is possible to lose fat quickly but it requires sacrifices in - muscle mass, energy levels, recovery and moods. If you want to achieve your goal then set your mind to a slow and steady approach.

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